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1577 results found

  1. moving files

    each time I select a bunch of raw files and move them to another folder the bridge is frozen and I have to force quit and restart it in order to move another set of files into another folder.

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  2. Bridge 2019 search fails to find all images with a given keyword.

    After several days building the cache, Bridge 2019 fails to display keywords and other metadata for many images and search only returns a tiny subset of the images that should be returned. At this point, we are forced to go back to Bridge 2018.

    3 votes
    NOT A BUG  ·  3 comments  ·  CACHE  ·  Admin →
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  3. Unable to eject external media from within Bridge

    I'm unable to eject SD cards from within Bridge 2019 in Mojave. Right click the drive, click eject...nothing. I have to quit Bridge and eject the media from Finder or the desktop. Had similar problems in 2018, but only with some media. Now, it's every time.

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  4. Some views no longer available in the topmost button bar

    In earlier versions it was pssible to enlarge the topmost button bar with the view buttons. Since version 9 the bar is fixed and cannot be altered by the user. Some of the views (such as the light table) even do not have shortcuts which also cannot be customized. The user now has to choose from the drag down menu which is not convenient and a step back compared to earlier versions in terms of usability.

    4 votes
    1 comment  ·  WORKSPACES  ·  Admin →
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  5. Resizing of thumbnail bar does not work very well

    The thumbnail bar eats up unneccessary space and does not resize well.
    When switching between different views the thumbnails are scaled to the minimum size and not to what was set before. Only resizing the bar restores the previous setting.
    The bar also reserves space for the additional info lines - even if none of them are enabled.
    On a Full HD screen this clutters up the interface.

    7 votes
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  6. Photo Downloader doesn't have an option to skip files that have already been downloaded on previous runs.

    Would love to have a tick-box that would turn such an option on or off.

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    NOT A BUG  ·  Abhishek Seth responded

    Thank you for reporting this.

    Please log this as a feature request for further voting and comments in the feature request section.

  7. Bridge 2019 Photo Downloader doesn't remember previous settings

    The new Photo Downloader always comes up in Standard Dialog, even though I previously closed it in Advanced. It always defaults to my Pictures folder, even though I chose a different folder for previous download. It always defaults to Basic Metadata, even though I chose something different on previous use.

    38 votes
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  8. Folder displays on darker background than the interface

    Folders display on a darker field than the interface. They should be on the same background as the interface. Same with all icons.

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  9. Bridge 2019 Cache building has many problems.

    Prior to Bridge 2019 it was possible to create multiple threads of the cache build on different folders. Now, in 2019, only one cache build thread can run. Also, pre-2019 Bridge allowed NOT exporting the cache. I have found in Bridge 2019 that if multiple clients export their cache to the same share point, then other client's cache is messed up and metadata doesn't appear for images. If there is a way to NOT export the cache, I haven't been able to find it. Please allow multiple, simultaneous cache builds from one client and also allow non-exported cache. Basically, just…

    7 votes
    0 comments  ·  CACHE  ·  Admin →
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  10. Information about content

    When the content panel is reduced, the info about content count and files selected remains hidden. This information was in the lower status bar in the previous versions of Bridge.

    2 votes
    0 comments  ·  FILE INFO  ·  Admin →
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  11. yellow hints boxes remain frozen on screen

    yellow hints box remain frozen on screen

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  12. In Bridge 2019, some xmp metadata that worked with all prior Bridge versions now cannot be read and imported.

    In Bridge 2019, some xmp metadata that worked with all prior Bridge versions now cannot be read and imported. In some of my image folders the metadata appears for images while in other folders it never appears. In the non-functional folder, if I tell Bridge 2019 to build and import the cache, it freezes and then crashes. At this point, Bridge 2019 is useless to me.

    3 votes
    BUG- NEED MORE INFO  ·  1 comment  ·  CACHE  ·  Admin →
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  13. File renaming error

    I attempted to batch rename a group of images. New Bridge 2019 removed my labels and ratings, dumped some metadata and put in an Adobe Bridge Temp name to some of the files.

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  14. Star rating

    Cannot hide the star rating anymore. Where do I find the command?

    5 votes
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  15. Scrolling with Apple Magic mouse is horrific

    Scrolling with Apple Magic Mouse is horrific. Everything jumps like with a budget mouse of the eighties. Pleas fix it …around

    6 votes
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  16. Filter Panel - only 9 of 30 filters actually showing.

    Filter Panel - only 9 of 30 filters actually showing.

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  17. 3 votes
    1 comment  ·  FILTER PANEL  ·  Admin →
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  18. Generated 100% previews are not used/not found/lost

    Here is the second and last issue I experienced with Bridge 2019.
    I generated 100% previews for 3000 d850 files. Took a long time with stupid modal dialog blocking UI.
    Ok after it finished I closed Bridge then closed my Win10 laptop.
    I arrived at cafe where I wanted to work for couple of hours on prepared previews.
    And guess what happened - on first file zoom a 100% preview is generating a looong time. The cache was lost!
    After trying couple of files - that's it. None of previously generated 100% previews is loaded.
    We are not beta testers…

    3 votes
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    NEED MORE INFO  ·  Abhishek Seth responded

    Hi ,

    Can you please let me know if you have updated Adobe Camera Raw after generating cache in Bridge.

    Abhishek Seth.

  19. @ bridge

    In Bridge 2019, no metadata field you can write the @ symbol using the keyboard. Using ASCII code yes. The same happens with the € symbol.

    Windows 10 Pro 1803 version 17134.345

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  20. Bridge cache generation is blocking work

    Cache generation has always been a numer one issue for me in Bridge. It's performance, its inability to fully utilize system cores. Its contant rebiulding and losing of already build 100% previews.
    Now on top on that you made cache generation modal?!

    So until now I was able to run 2 hour generation in background and keep working in aleady generated folders.
    Now you force me to sit idle and wait for 2 hours?
    Whose idea was that?!

    15 votes
    4 comments  ·  PERFORMANCE  ·  Admin →
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