Bridge Slideshow captions show filename only
I'm using Bridge 14.1.0 on a Mac running Sonoma 14.4.1. I would like to display the Description metadata field in Slideshow captions. In Settings > Thumbnails I have specified "Show: Description" and I can see the Descriptions just fine in the Bridge window when I select "View > As Thumbnails". However when I play a Slideshow by going to "View > Slideshow Options..." and choosing "Caption: Full", I see only the filename, with blank space below it. In fact I am unable to display any other metadata at all.

Peter Astle commented
With Bridge 2025 View>Slideshow Options>Caption>Full now shows filename, date taken and keywords. Description and Document Title are not shown.
Mark Taylor commented
Hi Tanu,
Thanks, this is definitely a step in the right direction. However I noticed that any caption that isn't very short is truncated with an ellipsis (...) near the start. Please see the attached screenshot. It would be really helpful if the entirety of the description could be displayed onscreen.
Also as you can see, the "Fill" option does not actually expand the photo to fill the available screen space.
Best regards,
Mark Taylor -
Tanu Goel commented
The fix for the issue is available in the latest updates of Adobe Bridge 15.0.
We would love for you to try it out and share your feedback.
For more details about the release, please refer to:
Bridge Team -
Pankaj Gauba commented
Hi Mark,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us. We’ve added this to our engineering issue pipeline.
Bridge Team