Bridge 2023 Folder Navigation Jumps to the Top When Photo is Added
I use Bridge to edit batches of photos, dragging the selected photos into my "selects" folder within the project folder. With the 2023 update, every time I drag a photo into the selects folder, the folder panel jumps to the top of the folder list, and I have to grab the scroll bar and scroll back down to my selects folder to add the next photo. This is seriously slowing down my workflow.
The mentioned issue is fixed in the latest patch release #, Please install and confirm if that fixes the issue.
You can refer the issues fixed in the patch @
Bridge Team
Steve Castle commented
This is still not fixed in 13.0.4
I am not sure if Adobe understands this issue, reportedly fixed in 13.0.4 but to me still an issue.
Maybe I am doing something wrong.
I have about 100 files in a folder marked RAW and about the same number in a folder marked JPG.
If I select the last file in the RAW folder panel, then navigate in the folder panel to the JPG panel, then navigate back to the RAW folder in the folder panel, the panel jumps to the first file in the RAW folder.
This slows down my workflow.
Steve Castle commented
This has returned in
Bradley Smith commented
this is still happening and if i have hover meta data on it crashes!!!!
AGAIN - role back and work on making bridge multi core v13 sucks. -
Kathy Ward commented
Bridge seems very buggy, weird things going on - I can't really describe all, but this issue sounds like it. I also re-sort my images and rename in bridge, and dragging files around. My renaming sometimes shows the whole root of the image before I rename, but others do not show the whole root. Its just very buggy!
Kukurykus commented
James Johnstone commented
Most annoying.
Kevin Bae commented
Folder Navigation Jumps to the Top when file is moved or added
Frank Mendonca commented
This is a SERIOUS bug...having to scroll down again in the Folder panel every time I drag something into a folder is really slowing down my workflow. Time is money. This bug makes 2023 useless to me. I've gone back to using version 12.0.3 until it is fixed in an update.
Peter Katoff commented
Check the Sort Option you have selected. It may help to set to set the sort to Manual when you are adding photos and then change back to your normal setting to sort after you are through adding photos.
Bruce Brachman commented
Any operation inside of Bridge 2023 (deleting a photo, moving a photo) the navigation bar jumps back up to the root. Very annoying. Slows down production.
Big BIG bug.
The navigation should stay in the same directory. Like all previous versions of Bridge.
It seems that stable, useable functions break on updates.