Bug on uservoice.com!
It's not Bridge bug but this site bug you find on main page of adobebridge.uservoice.com / Scroll down to see that under Report Bugs there is wrong word used (ideas), while it should be 'Reports' (so not 65 Ideas, but 65 Reports):
Give feedback
Feedback forums
Feature Request
48 ideas
Report Bugs
65 ideas

Thank you for pointing this out. We will get this updated
Kukurykus commented
Yes, that's true :( Now I found another user suprised why 'ideas' word is used for 'bugs':
Chris Page commented
Adobe has decided to spread out feedback on their products to as many forums as possible. 1-3 per product.
This way it keeps their users lost. We stop caring and give up suggesting way to improve their products.
I mean wouldn't you hate hearing from your customers how you could do a better job?
and since they only have 1 or 2 people that can check each forum a few times a week, waiting for a response just discourages us even further.
For some, they just stop caring... others. get pissed off. I'm becoming the latter.
Kukurykus commented
Over 2 months passed and you didn't fix that bug, why?
Now I found someone dislikes it too (look not at topic but additional post of him):