sti Raw Format (sinar camera raw files) is "NOT" recognized by your raw interface window
sti Raw Format (sinar camera raw files) is "NOT" recognized by your Camera raw interface window, although Adobe advertises it is able to read such "sti" raw format files....

Kukurykus commented
I reported that and few months ago they said they will correct it, but they didn't:
akos commented
I did a Bug report above,...YET : it had only buttons with the naming "IDEA" !!!... What the hell is this??? A bug report submission is considered an idea now??? Is this for real???
Or is this here a user community forum which is falsely advertised as a bug report page to adobe tech support?
I am NOT in any way shape or form interested in other users amateur comments,.... I am submitting this BUG report to the adobe customer service unit/department exclusively.