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54 results found
Bridge crashing or unresponsive when renaming
Bridge 2020 (version 10.0.3) MAC
crashes or becomes unresponsive when trying to rename files to either lowercase or uppercase.4 votes -
Truncates file names
When running an action to resize a .tif and convert it to .jpg filenames are truncated!
Example 29754.04-29763.37.tif is renamed to 29754.04-29763.jpg
I've been using photoshop for decades and have NEVER had this problem.
Please fix asap1 vote -
Batch rename hangs
When there're some files which may be given same name after renaming, Bridge will takes serial number such as (2), (3), ...and more.
But today's version, Bridge hangs and the files are left with temporal names.4 votes -
Batch rename not always correctly parsing milliseconds from .nef files
.NEF with Date Created in File Info: 2020-01-24 16:08:56.6 -06:00
gets parsed to: 20200124160856000 - i.e. drops the ms.
Then, other files (taken during the same second) can conflict due to the same bug, creating more naming problems (i.e. same file name with (1) appended).
This is a new bug since 2020-01-19
Windows 7
Expected result: 20200124160856600
Actual result: 20200124160856000
Level of bug: Important (as long as it gets fixed relatively soon)6 votes -
Batch Rename truncates file extension and clears cached preview
When I batch rename files it gets the name right (ie Text and sequence number) but it leaves off the filename entirely. If I hit Preview before renaming it shows that it will be done correctly, but when I actually execute the batch rename the files just come out like Text0001 instead of Text0001.jpg or whatever. I have to manually add another line to the batch rename of New Extension for any extension to be put in the file at all. Fortunately I've only been renaming files of the same type.
Further, once the rename is completed all of the…
2 votes -
2 votes
Serious batch error: When renaming files with batch rename, it skips files
When renaming a group of files with batch rename, it skips a bunch of files, not just xmp files. This leads to serious data chaos. Already tried resetting the preferences, still experiencing the same problem!
4 votes -
1 vote
wrong dat in batch in Bridge 2019
iedere keer als ik via "naam wijzigen in batch" en dan de datum voor de foto wil zetten van de dag dat mijn camera de foto heeft gemaakt, zet hij automatisch de laatst gekozen datum in Raw files. Bij jpeg's gaat het goed. Maar bij de raw niet.
Voorheen heb ik dat nooit gehad.1 vote -
Camera Raw Bridge Issue
When I rename files in Bridge (batch rename) it throws out all my cropping and editing in Camera Raw
2 votes -
batch rename is skipping xmp files when I rename raw files.
I have folders of raw files, some with xmp files with ACR settings and some without. When I run batch rename processes on the whole folder the .xmp files are not renamed, only the .NEF files, making my settings effectively disappear.
1 vote -
Can't type numbers while batch renaming
(on Windows) Selecting few files -> Tools -> Batch rename
In New Filenames section can't write any numbers - they change the star rating and label of the selected files below the window.
In the old Bridge this was working fine, and I would like to avoid having to press Ctrl while normally changing the rating/label.
ALSO: While batch renaming in the Preview section at the bottom, no special characters are displaying (including the allowed ones, like for example &)
4 votes -
File renaming error
I attempted to batch rename a group of images. New Bridge 2019 removed my labels and ratings, dumped some metadata and put in an Adobe Bridge Temp name to some of the files.
1 vote -
Can't move cursor to right side text field for batch rename in Bridge
Can't move cursor to right side text field for batch rename on iMac
3 votes
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