Directional keys and selection jumpy
When using keyboard directional keys to navigate thumbnails, selecting thumbnails either using the mouse and keyboard combined or keyboard alone, the selection jumps around about 90% of the time. I use Bridge to help sort photos into folders and I cannot count on my selections.
Additionally and maybe related, moving thumbnails to folders sometimes fails. I have to drag them over multiple times before they finally go into the folder.
Using current & updated version of Bridge on iMac and MacBook Pro, both laptop and desktop do the same thing.

Vijay singh Negi commented
Hi @Victoria,
Thanks for your feedback.
Could you share the following details about the issue:Bridge version
System configuration
Is the issue specific to particular files/format?
Can you share screen-recording of the issue so that we can investigate it.
Please share the sample file/files on which you are observing the issue at sharewithbr@adobe.comThanks,
Bridge Team