why can't i open a raw file direct to photoshop
når jeg åbner raw filer i bridge efter lyser programmet en app for at kunne læse filen .går jeg tilgengæld edit og vælger develop in photoshop køre det
Thank you for reaching out to us. To help us better investigate the issue, it would be great if you can help with the below queries
1. Machine configuration, Bridge, Photoshop and Camera Raw versions
2. Steps to reproduce the issue and screen recording / screenshots.
3. Type of assets you are using
4. Are you facing similar issue with earlier version of Bridge i.e. 10.1.1 or 10.0
5. Bridge logs
MAC - ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/ Bridge 2021/
WIN - %appdata%\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge 2021You can share details here - sharewithbr@adobe.com
Rahul Saraogi