Bridge crashes while starting viewing a collection
I can not open Bridge anymore. Whenever Bridge starts while a collection is being displayed, it will freeze and crash right away. Since I closed Bridge last time after working on a collection it will automatically start viewing thiscollection. That is a problem. It is now impossible to start Bridge anymore since it will freeze and crash immediately.
The collection contains about 400 pictures. No way to start the app anymore without a work around (right click on a picture in explorer "open in Bridge").
Please fix asap.

hemant commented
Apologies for the inconvenience you are facing.
But we are not able to replicate this issue at our end on the latest build. Please provide your Adobe Id and submit crash if you face again and will try to find the root cause. -
Johanna Siegmann commented
I'm also having this problem. Except that I just can't import to or copy to bridge. It's a useless app at the moment.