Bridge: Can't open new window (multiple windows for multiple monitors)
What genius made it so Bridge 2023 can't do File > New Window? So it's IMPOSSIBLE to have a Bridge window open on multiple monitors? How can I compare two sets of images to each other on dual monitors? This is daily, run-of-the-mill, completely normal, workflow for MANY, MANY professionals... and Adobe just ruined it and made it impossible...
So OK, I'll just install the old 2022 Bridge for my 2nd monitor, then run 2023 (for hopefully some bug fixes, new features, etc.), but guess what? Adobe made it so that's impossible - can't run the 2x different versions at the same time (yet I can still run InDesign 2021 -needed for certain clients stuck on 32-bit macOS's-, and InDesign 2023 at the same time... so why? What gives? Why can't I do that with Bridge as well?)
P.S. "Undock" in Bridge 2023, which pops-out ONLY a 2nd thumbnail window, is NOT a substitution. I need the completely separate metadata panel, and totally separate folder tree on the left – which this can't do...

Kukurykus commented
Michael commented
Its a real pain that the app quits whenever a window is closed
Fred Teifeld commented
The inability to open a second window has essentially crippled my workflow.
Thanks a lot.
Kukurykus commented