Mouse-Over file information windows stays on window after moving mouse away
Mouse-Over file information windows stays on window after moving mouse away:
When you move the mouse cursor over a image thumbnail in Bridge, a information windows pops up, in some cases they WILL stay even if the mouse has been moved away.
Once they stay, they will also stay on top if you navigate around in bridge, even if you change the window to another application, the window stays on top, which is not only annoying, but seriously hindering work.
Kukurykus commented
What you offer is solution only for those that don't use quick metadata.
PhotoChop commented
Go to the Edit menu at the top of the screen in Bridge, then go to Preferences, then go to Thumbnails settings in Preferences, then click/turn off "Show Metadata on Hover". After you change this settings then the mouse-over popup windows with the file metadata information is completely gone.
Kukurykus commented
Robert Kneschke commented
this bug is critical, because pop-up windows stay even when switching apps and are blocking view