Bridge was automatically updated to version last night and, while most of the changes look good one represents a serious problem... at least as far as I'm concerened.
I use workspaces a lot to change the view of the folder I'm currently working in but the new behaviour of workspaces seems to be to save the folder being viewed, so when I activated a workspace it goes to the folder saved with that workspace.
While I can see this being useful in some situations for the most part it has completely ruined the funcutionality of workspaces.
I want to see the sort order change, the panels update, for it to switch from a list to thumbnail view but I DON'T want it to suddenly change to a different folder being viewed.
I have searched through preferences and cannot see a way to change this behaviour... it seems we are stuck with it!
Please revert to the previous behaviour... this is close to being a deal-breaker for me.

Kukurykus commented
For me that checkbox works but someone said the changed state doesn't make any difference, so maybe it's also like it for author of this report issue as well.
Peter Katoff commented
In Preferences/Content there is a check box to opt in or out to keeping the current folder active when switching workspaces. Just set it for the behavior that you want
David commented
One more thing... I loved that you can see items in subfolders by choice previously but not you can only choose to change that behaviour permanently on a folder-by-folder basis.
Again I can see a use for that but the ability to see items from subfolders on-the-fly seems to have disappeared.
I't be great to have two options in the drop-down menu - "see items from subfolders always" and 'see items from subfolder this time only".