Blocked access to 'Adobe Bridge Feedback' site.
Few days ago after I composed my comment and was about to submit it by a 'Post' button, I accidentally clicked it twice. From that unfortune occurrence any time I visit this site from that computer and the others (with similar IP) or just in the same network provider area I see big white page with only one word in upper left corner: 'Forbidden'.
When I open a site from my mobile phone (where for browsing internet I have other provider), or in my work (again served by other provider) all is okay.
I guess some security mechanism blocked my access to the site when detected 2 rapid clicks I did to post a comment. Most likely it thinks that was Spambot activity.
I'm wiritng here because there is no place where I could contact with personel. Can anyone reading it advice what I should do, and if possible send me to Administrator?
Edit: I cleared the cache but it did not help.