Content window "loses focus"
When unfiltering (or leaving Camera Raw), the Content window "loses its place." This is a bug, as previous versions of did not behave this way. To recreate, perform this procedure:
1) Work in a folder that has, say, 100 images
2) Filter those images by some method
3) Select an image in the middle of the results
4) Uncheck the filter
5) Note how the content window does not "zoom" to the image that is still selected. Instead, the content window goes somewhere else, and the image is no longer within the confines of the window.
6) Use the left arrow key to select the next image in succession, and you'll see the content window "refocus" to the image.
One should not have to perform step number 6 just to get the content window refocused. Something is wrong, as previous versions of bridge didn't lose focus like this.