Adobe Bridge "Get Photos from Camera" bugs RAW files, causing "File Info" to crash when editing multiple RAW files.
So I spent a couple of hours trying fresh installs, no scripts, fresh preferences etc.....
I believe I have found a bug which causes RAW files to become bugged after importing RAW files with Bridge's "Get photos from Camera".
My normal workflow was to import my RAW's in Bridge using the 'Get photos from camera'.
I would then select all RAWs & use 'File Info' to edit the Metadata of all files at once.
Recently after an update, Bridge's 'File info' would crash if I selected multiple RAWs to edit, but work fine on a single RAW.
If I copy the RAW files directly from the CF card to my Archive, then use 'File Info' on multiple selections it works as normal.
So it appears the bug is being caused by Bridge's 'Get photos from camera' andor the metadata templates applied during import.
I still need to test whether it is just simple the Importing or whether it was the template applied during import that is causing the bug.