Smart collections not saving to correct location
Windows 10. Bridge 2019.
When starting, Bridge 2019 loads existing collections from ".../AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Bridge CC 2019/Collections".
BUT.. Having had multiple versions of bridge CC on the workstation as they have upgraded and removed themselves over time, I have "Bridge CC/Collections", "Bridge 2014/Collections" up to "Bridge 2019/Collections" under my AppData directory.
Currently any new Smart Collections created actually SAVE themselves under "Bridge CC/Collections", which is not even looked at by Bridge 2019 when loading smart collections.
So, to create any new Smart collection, I have to manually move the collection file "New Smart Collection #.collection" from the "Bridge CC/Collections" to "Bridge 2019/Collections" and restart Bridge 2019. It then shows up in Bridge 2019. Very irritating.
In vain I searched for a registry entry, hoping that maybe it was a leave-behind during upgrades I could just change. No such thing.
Also tried to "hide" the older "Bridge CC/Collections" directory (renaming it), hoping that Bridge 2019 would then start using the correct directory on saving. This instead has the side-effect that attempting to save a new smart collection simply silently fails. Simply, nothing happens, with no error message at all, when clicking the "Save" button on the new collection settings. The collection settings window stays active, no error message. Only way out being the Cancel button.
Please teach Bridge to use the same directory when saving and when loading Smart Collections.

Dridd commented
June 2019 update.. Still not working.
Why is a simple to remedy issue like this not being fixed?