Wrong rendering of inequal-resolution images in full screen mode
When reviewing images in full screen mode, there are a few problems with the rendering:
1) Small images which do not fill the screen entirely have to be clicked on (virtually zoomed in) in order to render the details correctly. There is an evident loss of sharpness if not doing so.
2) The same happens when reviewing a zoomed-in image and moving on to an image with different dimensions. The next image has to be zoomed-out and in again to prevent loss of detail.
3) Images not fling the screen entirely are painted on top of the previously shown image. The outer borders are not black but show the image reviewed before.
Tested on Windows 10 with AMD Radeon R7 M370, driver version 18.11.1.

PECourtejoie commented
Hello, do you have checked "generate monitor sized previews" in preferences>advanced?
If not, try with it active, purge the cache, and report back. -
Lukáš Chmela commented
It is actually the zooming feature which is (also) broken. The image is only really sharp sometimes when zoomed-in.
Lukáš Chmela commented
Let me add another issue discovered today, still concerning full-screen image review:
4) When reviewing an images of inequal dimensions, the smaller images get zoomed-in to wrong coordinates resulting in the image being shifted away from the mouse pointer. This happens both, when the larger images are reviewed with or without zoom.