AppleScript does not work in Bridge 2023 and 2024
Until Adobe Bridge 2022, AppleScript was supported and "do javascript" commands could be executed. This allowed for integration, such as sending Finder selections directly to a scripting process in Bridge.
However, since version 2023, AppleScript is no longer supported. There is no AppleScript dictionary sdef file in the application bundle, so there is no possibility for it to work. Even if the sdef is ported from 2022, it will not work.
I have determined that this is a bug, as there seems to be no official information that AppleScript has been removed. It is an expected specification of Adobe Bridge to support AppleScript.
- macOS 12.6.7(Apple Silicon)
- Adobe Bridge 2023(13.0.4), 2024(14.0.0)
Adobe Bridge 2022まではAppleScriptに対応していて、"do javascript"のコマンドを実行できました。これにより、Finderの選択をBridgeのスクリプトプロセスに直接送るなどの連携ができました。
特にAppleScriptを削除したという公式情報は存在しないようなので、これはバグと判断しました。Adobe BridgeはAppleScriptをサポートしているのが期待する仕様です。
- macOS 12.6.7(Apple Silicon)
- Adobe Bridge 2023(13.0.4), 2024(14.0.0)