Adobe Bridge refreshes thumbnails after getting photos every time
If I download selected photos from my device (Xiaomi mobile phone or 2 different Sony cameras), once completed, I have to go through the 'get photos' procedure again where AB recaches the thumbnails. This really wastes a lot of time, especially if you have more than 500 photos on your device. To me, it's a bug. Surely if it's cached all the thumbnails once, you should be able to select photos for download, and once downloaded to AB, select some more without AB having to recache and go through the whole procedure again. As I rename each group of photos and put them in different folders, I spend more time waiting for AB to read my device and display the thumbnails of photos than I do actually downloading them.

Kalwant commented
Hi Pankaj
Have you got an update?
Kalwant commented
I've sent you the screen capture to the email address as requested.
After using ‘get photos’, and downloading select ones, I have to go through the ‘get photos’ procedure all over again. If your device has 500 – 2,000 photos on, it takes ages to read all of the photos and show them as thumbnails, especially if you're downloading ones that are further down the list. After selecting the ones you want to download and rename, they’re deleted from your device which is great.
After this, I should be able to select more from the 'Adobe Bridge - Photo Downloader' window. Instead, Adobe Bridge gets rid of this window and you have to repeat the 'Get photos' procedure all over again as shown in the screen capture video.
This window needs to remain open after downloading and deleting photos from your device, so you can select further photos that you are naming differently and putting into different folders.
Kalwant commented
Hi Pankaj
Bridge version 2023:
I was previously on 2020 and it did the same thing.
It's done it with three models of mobile phones I've had over the years. It's done it with different cameras I've had also (Canon Ixus, Sony WX350, RX100, A7RII)The files are .jpg so nothing unusual. Is it normal for Adobe Bridge to work this way? To get photos, show them, allow you select particular ones, download them from your device, delete them and then have to go through the whole process again to select different ones?
I'll try and get a screen recording uploaded.
Pankaj Gauba commented
Hi Kalwant,
Thanks for your feedback.
Could you please share the following details about the issue:
▪ Bridge version
▪ Is the issue specific to particular files/format?Please share the screen recording of the issue at
Bridge Team