Continous crashes on 13.0.2 after previews and exiting photoshop jobs.
Bridge is bugged as hell. It crashes very often after I change ratings or I come back from photoshop.
The new panel interface is not only USELESS but introduced lags bejond human acceptability limits. Up to 3 seconds for thumbnail filter and update operation. Microsoft explorer is way faster
I had already to buy a third party software (photomecanic) for culling photos because your software is too slow while previewing CR3 files.
Since the last update the duplicate file previews bug is back. I get multiple icons for the same file in the folder.
The bug report window, wich I got used to see too often, does not even support selection of text or cursor insertion by mouse.
We are not beta testers.
Kukurykus commented
Associated 'Preview Crash' report:
Associated 'duplicates' thread:
Associated 'duplicates' of same author: