If I turn on "Compact cache on idle" it always asks me to click to comapct the cache...
In Bridge > Edit > Preferences (Ctrl+K) > Cache page there is a switch:
"Compact cache on idle (Recommended)"
If I turn it on it alwys displays a modal window with a question if I want it to compact the cache and waits for my interaction (!!!) to click on the X (close) or the "compact cache now" button.
So... IMHO it is and I am not idle if I have to click on it.
And... why I have to click on it if once I've set it in Preferences?
And... if this appears... why it does not have a tickable "do not ask this again" option to be able to get rid of this question and force it to do compacting really on idle period?
And... it asks on every start, even if I did not changed the folder and even if I clicked on compact cache 2 minutes earlier without doing anyhing else but close and open Bridge.
This is for all versions of Bridge that I've seen in the last few years...
Very annoying!

Kukurykus commented