Photo downloader will not recognize CFExpress card on MacBook Pro
Photo Downloader recognizes CFExpress card on my Windows 10 machine, but it does not recognize on my MacBook Pro - which is where I need it the most. I use the MacBook in the field and I must manually transfer files.

Kukurykus commented
PECourtejoie commented
It might be useful to state the Brand and model of the readers, the cards, and the connection used: USB 3.1? USB C? Thunderbolt? Maybe the operating system and the version of Bridge could be relevant.
Russell Viers commented
I didn't uninstall Bridge 2021 and it works fine. BUT...that's not a long-term solution.
Anonymous commented
Come on, guys. Get off the dime on this. I'm tired of hearing this is a third-party issue (for more than six months now). You are the boss here. Get them to fix it. How difficult can it be?
Anonymous commented
Photo Downloader does not recognizes or even see my CFExpress card on my Windows 10 machine
CW Sangree commented
Doesn't recognize CFExpress on my iMac either.