Error in date order uploading from iPhone
I am using Bridge and use it to upload Photo's from my iPhone8. To be honest, neither Bridge Version or iPhone model are relevant, because Bridge has been doing this for several years and It does it with every iPhone model. When I connect my iPhone to my pc, and once iTunes has synced I use Bridge Photo Downloader to upload images. Once Bridge eventually finds my iPhone, (and it can take several attempts for Bridge to recognise the iPhone, sometimes saying this device contains no images which is wrong, but that's another thread) - it does not sort images correctly. It doens't sort in numerical order, or date taken, but only appears to sort in date photo was last accessed on phone. I viewed images two days ago on my phone which were taken in July 2017, but because they were accessed recently, Bridge has decided to put them at the top of the list, not in numerical order, not in date taken order. Per attached screen shot. Because of the sort implemented b Bridge, Images from months ago appear as being taken recently, images taken recently go way down the list and can then get missed in sequence. Even once uploaded, and put into folder in date order, Bridge does not put them into the right dated folder. Images taken on one date, end up in folder dated differently, two images taken on same date and within minutes of each other, end up in different dated folders. Bridge doesn't recognise images that been uploaded previously. Please can we have an option to sort images by date order, or numerical order, or date modified order. Please can we have an option to disregard previously uploaded images. I have over 3500 images on my iPhone and Bridge has to load them everytime I try to use the Photo downloader. I could use the cloud option to download, however I have this turned offas I want control over my images and to rename, add Keywords delete when I chose.