Batch rename not always correctly parsing milliseconds from .nef files
.NEF with Date Created in File Info: 2020-01-24 16:08:56.6 -06:00
gets parsed to: 20200124160856000 - i.e. drops the ms.
Then, other files (taken during the same second) can conflict due to the same bug, creating more naming problems (i.e. same file name with (1) appended).
This is a new bug since 2020-01-19
Windows 7
Expected result: 20200124160856600
Actual result: 20200124160856000
Level of bug: Important (as long as it gets fixed relatively soon)
Stephen Marsh commented
A similar issue in the following link, where I had to use ExifTool or a custom Bridge script to batch rename using milliseconds to avoid the long-standing 000 bug:
Alter Graubart commented
Still an open issue. I have 2 jpg files, both have been exported via LR from a cr2 rawfile and a cr3 rawfile. Both jpeg files show the milliseconds in Bridge (File/Fileinformation) but when renaming it in Bridge it oly works for the jpgs coming from a cr3 rawfile.
David Armstrong commented
Your comment system converted underscore characters to italics - not convenient or informative - however it doesn't impact the bug description.