Batch Rename truncates file extension and clears cached preview
When I batch rename files it gets the name right (ie Text and sequence number) but it leaves off the filename entirely. If I hit Preview before renaming it shows that it will be done correctly, but when I actually execute the batch rename the files just come out like Text0001 instead of Text0001.jpg or whatever. I have to manually add another line to the batch rename of New Extension for any extension to be put in the file at all. Fortunately I've only been renaming files of the same type.
Further, once the rename is completed all of the full screen preview images are gone from the cache and when you hit space bar it just shows what I suspect is the embedded preview from the raw file (in this case .ARW files). I have to purge the cache for the affected files for a new full screen preview to render.
macOS 10.14.6