no AE preset preview playback in Bridge CC2019 (another 3 months have passed)
I really really would like to preview AE presets (in Bridge as in previous versions). It is ridiculous that this BUG has never been addressed. It makes Bridge useless for motion graphics.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, previews can be played in Bridge 2018. But not being able to use the current version obviously disrupts workflow and is stupidly inefficient. Is Adobe EVER going to attempt to restore AE preset previews? This issue has not been dealt with for years now. I had not encountered this problem before CC2019, but apparently it existed sporadically in numerous earlier versions of Bridge, too.
Tell the truth: is Bridge slated for extinction? If so, please get to work on a preset previewer for AE and its kin, preferably within the media browser panel. Using old versions of the software or jumping to a browser as an alternative is simply a waste of time.