Feature Request: Better video support
Right now, the video playback window is not using the available screen space. 1080p and 4k videos are shown in a tiny preview window and are not using the available screen space, even in fullscreen mode. Why not use the hole screen/panel space available?
Video playback is slow. Why not build the playback engine of Premiere into Bridge?
The width of the video playback bar is tiny. Why not use the hole width of the preview panel?
I'd like to quickly scrub through videos like in Premiere and also being able to use my Jog Wheel.
Being able to set video metadata like In and Out-Points and Markers, which can be read by other applications like Premiere and After Effects.
Hitting the Spacebar does not start the fullscreen mode on a video file, but rather starts the video playback. This is inconsistent. Why not use the spacebar for fullscreen for every file and use the commonly used shortcuts jkl for video playback or let the user edit the shortcuts?
Thank you!