Smooth scrolling PLEASE!
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make the scrolling smooth! This will make the experience infinitely better. Currently it's just awful on the eye to track where you're at while scrolling.

Nisha Arya commented
Hi Brett,
The issue mentioned here is already reported as Bug ID BRIDGE-9975
Our Team is still working on it. It will be fixed in future release. No fix version is allotted yet in which it will be fixed. -
Brett Patterson commented
Also wondering why this never gets fixed. I reported it on this thread three years ago.
On my MacBook Pro, scrolling through folders in the filmstrip view, if I use the scrollbar it is smooth, but if I use the trackpad to swipe the folders, they move in the swipe direction as intended, but they jitter so much that they appear to move in the opposite direction! Impact on usability is similar to that thing where they play your voice back to you just slightly delayed.. it almost stops you from doing the action.
This should be fixed as an urgent issue, as with others here I wonder about finding an alternative app.
Aris Vidalis commented
may 2023 and still having issues with scrolling in Adobe Bridge!
Ben commented
Oh my god I think this is fixed in Bridge 2023. Am I right or am I just forgetting what it used to be like?
Ricardo Lazzari commented
August 2022 and smooth scrolling still not working on my Mac. I'm paying for a subscription, so I expect this basic functionality to be enabled. Very unhappy about this issue!
Chris Page commented
Could you imagine if Chrome or Safari made an update that caused this?
Netscape would be more popular.
Kabzáni Richard commented
Agree absolutely, why the hack is Bridge the only one app in world that don't allow smoot scrolling? Do I miss something? I'm paing money for Photoshop and i should become this jerk?
Chris Page commented
I'll be getting a new MacBook soon with M1 Max Processor.
Any chance scrolling will work there? -
Michael commented
It's truly pathetic that the Adobe engineers either don't care to fix or are incapable of fixing this long-standing problem.
Jan Hofmann commented
yes, please!
Paul Wozniak commented
I'm using a Mac trackpad to scroll through the Content Panel and it's unsettling / giving me motion sickness to watch images jump like that. Can't tell which direction I'm going in. It feels a bit like the gif attached, but obviously at a much faster rate.
Daniel Cavero commented
Indeed it's so NEEDED
Chris Page commented
this happens on a ThinkPad too? I thought this was just an Apple touch/surface scroll issue.Is this an issue will all touch surfaces?
Marty commented
I would really love to love Adobe Bridge but this issue makes it unusable on my ThinkPad (unless I use an actual mouse). I keep trying updates every few months to see if it's working, but I always come away sad. :-(
Anonymous commented
Please!! This is the only thing I don't like about Bridge!
M. Toledo commented
Please enable smooth scrolling. I literally can't tell which direction I'm scrolling when scrolling through a folder of images. By smooth scrolling, I mean, don't jump automatically to the next full line of slides. The UX is not good as is.
AhmEd ALi commented
Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase fix it :)
Chris Page commented
yep... 2021 version installed. Still infuriating to use.
Has anyone found a good alternative to Adobe Bridge yet?
I'm going to pitch it to Affinity.
Zbigniew Bogacki commented
January 2021, new Bridge version and the problem is still not fixed?
Shame on you, Adobe. -
Tilman commented
Still unusable with a Apple Magig Mouse 2. Pictures are jumping up and down like on an 80ies atari.