Revert the coloured labelling dot back to a visible line!
On previous versions of Bridge, the label was a highly visible coloured line under the image. On Bridge 2019, they have changed the label to an inconspicuous and highly missable small coloured dot.
Please revert back to the old line, or give us the option on how the label should look.

This feature request has been implemented and released. Please upgrade to the latest version of Bridge to see this change.
Kukurykus commented
Start a new request thread as I want to vote for resizable label too. I like new design, so 'stubby' but that's right it should fill the space under image when it's very small or big.
Mark Sweeney commented
Is there a way to get the full Label bar back ? Bridge 2019 and 2020 have made it a stubby bar now, unless I'm missing something. I've added an image with Bridge 2018 on the left and 2020 on the right
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your feature request. AS the top voted feature, we have implemented this in the most recent version of Bridge. Please upgrade to see this change.
Sr. Product Manager, Bridge -
Carl Stillitano commented
I agree! I don't get the logic behind this change. Leave the labeling appearance the same and offer more colors. And as Rogers said, no stars should show no stars, and not show FIVE grey place-holder stars. Please revert back to the old labeling system.
Kukurykus commented
Yes, instead of giving to us something useful like more colours we got something worse than it was and useless, so rounded dots in place of bar labels :( Why to change something that's perfect, but not leaving it as it, but expanding of more options?
Anonymous commented
And I would really love to see at least two more colors in the long bar coding, as before.
Anonymous commented
My entire world has been turned upside down! I rely on those labels heavily!!! It will take me DAYS to recover this loss, and I can't see the tiny freaking DOTS. I despise these updates :'(
Anonymous commented
I want this back 100% Also, labels from sessions started in 2018 haven't followed to 2019, stacks, however, have followed. -
Gerlo Beernink commented
Yes please!
The sooner the better! -
Kukurykus commented
I can't post only a link here (so I tried now with some text):
Chris Conway commented
Completely agree. There is no way any photo editors/researchers/archivists who use these labels in their daily work were consulted about this change.
Chris Conway commented
It's amazing to me that these color labels have been made almost unnoticeable when added to a file. It's seriously almost unfunctional now. There is no way any photo editor/researcher who uses the labels was consulted on this change.
Anonymous commented
NO sure why it's not posting my name... Doreen in Oregon
Agreed!!! not seeing improvements with rates nor the small dot label, nor with what seems to be happening with Batch Rename...
And it's running really slow!
I have a claim ticket out about the batch rename part and Adobe has sent me back to 2018 to use!
Then sent me here... no resolve, just more of the same.
Hummmmmmm I won't jump as fast next time when a new version comes out, though it already started to slow me down in CC2018.
LOve updates when they work, CC 2019isn't cutting that edge :( -
Kukurykus commented
New dot lables are hardly noticable than when they appeared as bold underlines before CC 2019 release! Additionally when I constantly work with little thumbnails which corresponding file names are not fully displayed, now with a circle labels they are cut even more! So I agree completely with Luke and Wootie opinions about this inconvenience!
Wootie commented
I'm echoing Luke: The dots also cut into the precious filename space. It's already hard enough to see long filenames.
...and all these concerns.
Rogers commented
Yep, labels behind the stars was good. A horizontal line, not an interfering dot. Also, no stars should show no stars, and not show FIVE grey place-holder stars.
Rogers commented
Yes I agree. Especially with Luke. Return the UI to Bridge CS5 v4. The longer centered labels, the small centered stars, and the subtle shading of lists was so much easier to read.
Philip commented
Completely agree with everybody here!
New labeling system is so difficult to work with that you can barely see it.. Leave the option to the user on how that should look. -
Dmitriy commented
New labels are terrible! I would like to get old labels!
Luke commented
The dots also cut into the precious filename space. It's already hard enough to see long filenames.