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93 results found
drag and drop image from browser to adobe bridge
why can't we drag and drop an image from the browser to Adobe Bridge? as can be done in Explorer or Finder
4 votes -
Spacebar / Full Screen Preview for Video
Spacebar / Full Screen Preview should work the same way on video files as it does with image, pdf, or other files.
Currently, pressing spacebar does not Full Screen Preview video files, as it does with other files. However, if multiple file types are in a folder, and Full Screen Preview is executed on an image or other filetype first, and then navigated to a video file, Full Screen Preview will playback the video. The current behavior of Full Screen Preview is inconsistent.
Resolving this would be a huge benefit particularly with Win10 users, who don't have macOS spacebar-preview functionality…
4 votes -
Make any metadata field a column
Right now you can only select from roughly 10 columns in list view. It would be nice to be able to add ANY metadata field as a column, this way unique workspaces can have columns that are relevant to each type of media.
4 votes -
Bring Split View to Mac OS
In Adobe Bridge 2019 and PS CC for Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6 I am unable to do split view as in previous OS versions. Is this something that Adobe got rid of on the latest version or is something related to the current Mac OS that I am running? It would be great to have that feature back!
Split view is great when working with Bridge in different folders... specially when moving around files... same applies to PS CC... it's great to have two windows open in full size.. it makes a difference!
Please bring back Split View for Mac…
4 votes -
'Copy Path' directly from Bridge
In Windows 10 file explorer, you have the chance of copy the full path of a file by clicking "Ctrl + Right-Mouse-Btn" and choosing "Copy full path".
it would be awesome to have something like that on Bridge, because it broads the range of software you can work better with. I sometimes work with 3d software, webdesign, and/or smaller utilities for video and image, and most of them don't support Bridge's "drag-and-drop", or it simply doesn't fit the workflow (example: webdesign - you do it by code...)
A "Copy full path" function would help greatly on that, and shouldn't be…
4 votes -
Keyboard shortcuts for content tabs
New Keyboard Shortcut customisation is great but there's a bunch of commands that can't be given shortcuts?
Really need keyboard shortcuts for the commands:
1) close current content tab
2) switch to next content tab
3) switch to previous content tab
Otherwise they're terrible compared to separate windows (which can at least make use of the OS level shortcuts).There are others - mostly hidden in various hamburger menus; but if it has a way of doing it with a mouse you should be able to do it with the keyboard.
3 votes -
"Go Back" keyboard shortcut would be amazing!
I'm constantly going in and out of folders within Bridge. Most of the time I go into a folder i go right back out one level. But sadly I have to click the tiny go back icon in tools. It would be amazing to have a keyboard short cut for this icon. I could then add it to my wacom pen button and I wouldn't even have to move an inch. 90% of my work flow uses keyboard short cuts, having one for such a large navigational button would be huge!
Brandon3 votesHi,
We are happy to announce the release of Adobe Bridge 2024 (Version
In this release, our team has successfully introduced the much-requested Multi-Window feature, Keyboard Shortcut customisation, Compress/Extract capability along with other enhancements.
For a complete list of features available in Bridge 2024 (v14.0), please refer to the community post :
Bridge Team
Move/delete the big "Remove from collection" ribbon
Bridge 2023: I like the restyling.
I suggest the ribbon shown in my attached screenshot to be removed. It eats a significant space, especially a filmstrip configuration (screenshot). The same action can already be reached from the context menu.
Alternatively, to avoid the use of the context menu, the "Remove from collection" button could be moved (shrinked) in the lower part of the Collections panel (besides the other commands in icons); or, pressing the "Del" button could provide the two options of deleting and just removing from the collection.
Thanks for considering.3 votes -
Where are the NEW Keyboard Shortcuts?
Adobe applications allow you to modify and unify keyboard commands, but BRIDGE 2023 does not allow you to modify keyboard shortcuts.
Why do you change the Keyboard Shortcuts and do not explain to your users which ones have changed and which are the new ones?
For example. When I view a slideshow with the rest of the panels in the workspace and I only want to see all the thumbnails of the photos on my screen, you press the "TAB" key and you see all the slides in full screen and the rest of the panels disappear, a simple hit…
3 votesHi,
We are happy to announce the release of Adobe Bridge 2024 (Version
In this release, our team has successfully introduced the much-requested Multi-Window feature, Keyboard Shortcut customisation, Compress/Extract capability along with other enhancements.
For a complete list of features available in Bridge 2024 (v14.0), please refer to the community post :
Bridge Team
Gallery: Remove selection of file after entering Full screen mode
In Gallery, having a file selected, entering full screen mode (Space) and switching through files, then leaving fullscreen mode
leaves first selection and last file are selected. (See Attachment)
First selection should be removed, as accidencts like unintentional delete or edit may happen easily.
This is a new and wrong behaviour since Bridge 2023.3 votes -
All Adobe Cloud File Access Via Bridge
I find it disheartening that I am able to view, open (download), sort and filter Adobe Document Cloud files from within the files native Application and Web- rowser but not Bridge. Lacking this feature makes Bridge effectively useless if you are actually using the cloud-based storage, which Adobe seems to be marketing feverishly.
3 votes -
sort by random
Sort by random!!!!!!!! So we're not always bound to review photos in some kind of logical order
3 votes -
icon color
Please refrain from changing the color scheme when you update the program icons (as seen in desktop shortcuts, taskbars, etc). If you get used to using a color as a quick visual reference when switching between programs, a change is disconcerting. Also, the new, really dark background icons are harder to pick out overall against the black background of a windows taskbar.
3 votes -
Names under folders and files should be 'center justified' like previous versions; https://community.adobe.com/t5/bridge/titles-under-thumbn
Names under folders and files should be 'center justified' like previous versions; https://community.adobe.com/t5/bridge/titles-under-thumbn
PLEASE FIX ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 votes -
Use Operating system cursors
Use Operating system cursors!! FCOL, is this so hard? Bridge for CS6 was far better.
The miserable, tiny, black cursor must have been a brain fart on the part of a non-user of this product!
I use Windows Extra Large, white cursors so that I can actually SEE what I'm doing, not spend my time looking for a black cursor on a dark background! And I have about 20/15 vision (with glasses), so God help anyone with less than absolutely perfect vision.
While you are at it, offer a wider range of colour densities in PREFERENCES/INTERFACE.
Also make the ICONS…
3 votes -
Stop re-adding columns closed by the user in list view
Just... stop.
I really have no idea what else to say. When I go through the trouble of right-clicking on a column (Rating, for example), I DON'T WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN. Why does Bridge keep re-adding these columns every time I change views or open the app?
3 votes -
WMF and DSF files
Bridge needs the ability to read *.wmf and *.dsf files. Many design engineers still use these formats, so they're still viable. But as of now, we have to use a third-party program top see the files. We'd rather just have Bridge do that so we can keep the number of programs to a minimum on our computers.
3 votes -
Context Menu: Rearrange "Delete" and "Duplicate" commands to prevent accidential deletion
When using the Content Panel, the user may right-click a file/folder to access commands. The context menu includes the items "Duplicate" and "Delete". The two commands are immediately adjacent which presents a risk that the user will accidental select delete when intending to duplicate.
Please reorder the context menu items in order to separate the "Delete" command from other items, especially items beginning with the same letter. For example, place the "Delete" command at the absolute bottom of the context menu with a horizontal rule above it.
3 votes -
Add search text entry to main menu
It would be nice to search the bridge library without having to use Control - F. Maybe there should be an option to search locally OR search adobe stock.
3 votes -
Smooth scrolling, but so slow...
I noticed after the latest update v 140.0, the scrolling (while smoother) is very slow. I feel like I have to scroll 10x as much to reach the bottom of my photos, while in other apps, the scrolling speed is normal. I am needing to drag the side bar each time to reach the bottom. Please allow for a faster scrolling speed. I'm about to break the scroll wheel on my mouse.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?