Workflow Details - Auto Open Saving Options Please
In the Workflow Details window Task Details automatically opens, but Saving Options have to be opened manually each time the Workspace containing my Workflows is accessed. I think this is the exact opposite of how it should work. Saving Options is used constantly to set the destination folder for the workflow. On the other hand Task Details is simply informational. It shows the selected options for the preset and that is all it does.
And by the way Task Details does not reset when changing from one preset to another. For example, I have one preset to save to Tiff files and another to save to Jpg files in the same Workspace. When I switch from the Tiff preset to the Jpg preset the Task Details still shows the options for the Tiff preset. To update the information in Task Details requires switching back and forth between workspaces to refresh it. The Task Details does not affect how the preset works, so this is not a serious issue. But still, if it is going to be there it ought to show the correct information, don't you think?