The latest version of Adobe Bridge does not copy XMP files along with RAW files
Hello! The latest version of Adobe Bridge does not copy XMP files along with RAW files. Why is that?! This is very important. I really hope for a fix. Thanks a lot!

Vijay singh Negi commented
Thanks for your feeback. If your .xmp files are in caps (.XMP) then this is known issue and engineering team is looking into it.
Let us know if that is the case.
Bridge Team -
Tanu Goel commented
Hi Александр Аврамчук ,
Thanks for your feedback.
Could you share the following details about the issue:Bridge and ACR version
System configuration
Is the issue specific to particular files/format?
Please share the sample file/files on which you are observing the issue at sharewithbr@adobe.comThanks,
Bridge Team