I've heard a few time that a preview of .abr brushes, for photoshop, at the desktop level would be useful to users.
On windows (only), there's abr viewer https://abrviewer.fr.uptodown.com/windows
inside photoshop, there's brusherator by sergey kritskyi https://gumroad.com/kritskiy#iLmZz
I suppose a simple preview, not just the icon, would help users, and having this in Bridge would be logical :)
Cindy Workman commented
I agree! I agree! I agree! Bridge is an asset manager for the Adobe suite - it should be able to interact with and preview all filetypes associated with the suite!
PECourtejoie commented
YES, double yes, Bridge should be able to browse all the Adobe assets, like it can already with the after effects animation presets.
Yves Crausaz commented
Very good idea, and if possible add the same consultation mode for other assets like groups of color palettes, groups of shapes etc ...