.jpg and .jpeg file extension inconsistency
Using the Bridge 2020 Export panel to export images as JPEG files produces files with .jpeg extension whereas using the Photoshop Image Processor produces files with .jpg extensions. This is inconsistent behaviour. Could we have the choice of which extesion we would like please?

We are happy to announce the release of Adobe Bridge 2024 (Version
In this release, our team has successfully introduced the much-requested Multi-Window feature, Keyboard Shortcut customisation, Compress/Extract capability along with other enhancements.
For a complete list of features available in Bridge 2024 (v14.0), please refer to the community post :
Bridge Team
Daniël commented
Dear Bridge Team,
I'm so happy to see this 'feature' finally been implemented in Bridge. But why took in 3 years to solve this!?!?! really! I get it; AI is a much more challenging to work on. But the fact is that Workflow is a much more day to day procedure that playing with AI for 99% of the Bridge Users.
This single shortcoming, that has lasted 3 years, has cost most of us minutes and minutes a day,. Every single day for 3 years. You should be ashamed. This is a populair post and Adobe (Bridge Team) refused to even answer it the past 3 years. Just criminal! -
Alex Alden commented
too late, I have moved on to ACDSee Photo Studio, and I advise others to do the same. . Everything is better, fast & smooth. With all the same features, without the laggy interface. Bridge & XD visibly slow my Mac down.
Stephen Marsh commented
Thank you for listening and finally implementing this request!
Aurelian Böhler commented
Dear Adobe, thank you for producing a software that would be so wonderful to work with but actually is totally unusable because of such a massive fail, ARE YOU SERIOUS? ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING? This bug is apparently a few years old and is hindering every export workflow to jpeg. For example, if you want to overwrite existing files, it does not happen because of the beautiful letter "e" in the file extension and well, I think you know very well for yourself what problems this causes. For whatever reason you do this, please fix and stop to annoy your customers who pay a damn amount of money - or you may loose them. Thanks!
KC commented
This is such a pain. And I'm surprised Adobe didn't think this through. Please fix!
Kukurykus commented
Michael Kormos commented
Our online photo management system reads JPEG files and corrupts them for some reason. Their tech support advised us to upload JPG instead of JPEG. For some reason Adobe Bridge developers have yet to give us an answer why they force all exports with JPEG extension. Please fix this. Our photo studio is jumping through hoops because of this.
Giulio commented
completely agree also for the possibility to choose, maybe directly in "export" and also in the raw camera processor, or in preferences
Paul commented
This is real problem. Not even Mac publishers want this.
Valdur Rosenvald commented
Looking forward to the fix!!!!!!!!!!
Keith Brown commented
I cannot use bridge if the file extension is different to that used by lightroom on export. I need to end up with one single set of exported files regardless of the software used to create them. Bridge has now become a singular problem in my workflow.
Stephen Marsh commented
Photoshop throws a warning that the the .JPEG extension is non-standard (for Photoshop).
More here:
Birnou commented
both extension nomination must be accessible and include in all export
Alex Alden commented
It's indefensible not offering the choice and in addition it's an inconsistent, lazy implementation not to take this into consideration considering that both are widely used and that adobe has always defaulted to .jpg in the past.
People have systems and processes and these details do matter. Batch rename makes it worse, as it creates a duplicate if file allready exists which makes more and more mess.Slow. Hand. Clap. for Adobe.
This needs fixing. -
Alex Alden commented
batch rename doesn't work I guess as I need it to overwrite for my workflow.
this is an impressive oversight from adobe. Export is entirely useless to me because of this.
To fix it's just one character.
Daan commented
Its not a solution, but a workaround;
After the files have been saved as a jpeg
create a Batch rename with NEW EXTENSION as NEW FILE NAME.
And DONT forget to only selected jpegs....;-) -
Paul commented
Is this being addressed? Or is Adobe trying to change the extension to jpeg to purposely conflict with other software? Not being facetious, actually wondering because this is often a marketing strategy.
Wes Duenkel commented
Every other Adobe application saves files as "jpg"
Why on earth would Bridge start exporting as "jpeg"
It makes NO sense, and especially if you want an exported file to overwrite a file made in another application, such as Photoshop.
RF commented
I agree, also for the ".tiff" and ".tif" and where is the option for LZW? ZIP only?
Andreas Fenrich commented
I also have problems with the file extension "jpeg" because my CMS requires the extension "jpg". It would be great if this could be adapted.