Photo Downloader
Bei jedem neuen Foto Download will Adobe die Fotos automatisch auf C:...\User\Pictures\Aufnahmedatum abspeichern.
Meine Medien müssen aber nach D:\Fotos\Aufnahmedatum.
Dies muss leider bei jedem Download neu eingestellt werden... Leider konnte ich auch in den Voreinstellungen nichts finden.
Bitte ändern, Danke.

RaIp commented
Work around for Bridge 2020
This helps, but after downloading it takes about 30 seconds, to close the downloader-window:
Just create empty folder ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2019 ((written as shown. With blanks in folder-name!))
(~ represents your home folder, whatever it is)I found the hint in this forum at
RaIp commented
After a clean install of Catalina and Adobe Bridge 2020 the photo-downloader-window don't remeber any more the last adjustments. It always starts like after the clean install. In former installations the paramaters where like at the last use.
Could it be a problem of file-rights?
Please, could anybody post here, wich file (neccessary for photo-downloader) must have wich rights?