Reduce space wasting in Bridge 2019 UI
Since Bridge 2019, the whole UI is "larger" and needs more space. There is more space between the items in the folder list, the keyword list, and the favorites items. Thus, only half of the list fits to the same space as before.
Also the space between thumbnails in the grid view was enlarged.
Please enable an option as für the "Text Size" that let the user bring up more content in a compacter manner.

Dear Bridge users,
As one of the top voted features, this is actively under development. We plan to provide option to hide the tiles so that you can see larger thumbnails and zoom out if you need to see more assets in Content View. While 9.1 (released) has some improvements, the upcoming Bridge release this year end will have significant improvements in this area. As far as the folder view and Keywords is concerned, we hope to address that next year.
Meanwhile, some of you may benefit from the existing “View Menu→Show Thumbnails Only” to see more assets in Content View.
Thank you for your vote.
Teja Vepakomma
Senior Product Manager,
Adobe Bridge
Bradley Smith commented
v23 you made it harder to read. im dyslexic and i need the alternating pattern NOW THERE IS NONE. also way too much white space. i need the screen realestate and now there is white space that can be used for 4 lines of text only being used for 1 . WOW. also when i spoke on the phone with the dev team member. this was being worked on and still 4 updates later and still not worked on. again i feel like adobe does not care.
Ben Mattison commented
100% agree with Skies! I eagerly opened Bridge 2021 hoping that the terrible changes of Bridge 2019 might be gone—and was very disappointed to see that there is still a bizarre amount of wasted space and scrolling behavior that makes me dizzy. At this point I have three computers stuck on Mojave because I use Bridge 2018 on a daily basis. I can't believe that anyone actually prefers this approach.
Skies commented
..And with Bridge 2021 STILL NO GUI IMPROVEMENTS.
Text size STILL does not change lining distance (= 100% POINTLESS)..
STILL need to scroll through metadata to see shooting date, focal length.
Thumbnail size change is in large steps instead of smooth. Why?Click, close 11.0.. Click, open 8.1...
I'm done with Adobe. Paying a 70,- rent a month to use 3 year old software because the new software is crap.
I'll install the latest CS versions, at least I still own that.
Wes Duenkel commented
I still use Bridge 8.1 as well. It's more compact and usable.
Skies commented
Meanwhile, I'm still using version 8.1.
Great, we can change text size... with NO EFFECT on the folder spacing, which was the whole point. See video (still the same in 10.0.4).
This is just embarrassing, Adobe 🙄
Isn't this a matter of changing a few simple properties, like in CSS ?...
Wes Duenkel commented
"hide the tiles" doesn't do anything worthwhile as far as saving space. LOOK AT BRIDGE 2018 to see what we mean. GET SERIOUS about fixing this problem! Same goes for the keywords list. It takes up TWICE the space. Look at Bridge 2018.
Anton commented
I use Adobe Bridge 2019. Please allow users to determine how much spacing they want vertically and horizontally between folders/items. Right now I have to scroll forever to find a folder. Thanks.
Gerhard commented
Why does Adobe force us to use version 9? Recently, version 8 is no longer downloadable through the Creative Cloud Application. That's hard to beat for cynicism !! Once you have to deinstall for any reasons, there is no way back... 🤬
Wes Duenkel commented
I'm using Bridge 2018 because 2019 makes my job HARDER.
Wes Duenkel commented
It's like Adobe doesn't actually have anyone who USES their software to MAKE A LIVING testing it. I'd love to test new software. Adobe, are you listening?
John Weber commented
I don't understand the logic of adding all the space. How is this better? Of all the things that could improve Bridge, this is was on the list?
Anonymous commented
This new upgrade is horrible. There is WAY to much space between the thumbnails and I can't figure out how to close that annoying space by changing settings, it only makes the images smaller. Hate this very much!! It was so good before, why change it??
Ben commented
Agreed +1000. What is the purpose of having the thumbnail in a box—and then also have space between the boxes?
I am exclusively using Bridge 2018 because of the interface issues with 2019. .
Anonymous commented
I'm going to be unpopular but I like the new design much better. Having said that why not make it configurable...I guess if you have older eyes like mine and a big 4K screen you prefer more spaced interface....
Gerhard commented
I totally agree, this is so frustrating! What a bad idea. How could Adobe change the gridview so extensive, without the ability to re-adapt it somewhere in the preferences? It is fare away from better readability. Its much worse. Very, very annoying! So much space lost. :-((( PLEASE Adobe give us a way to reset the view from Version 8.0 and before...
JeffreyIg commented
I actually just posted about this in the regular forum before I found this space. With Bridge 2019 I can see 30% fewer thumbnails at a time, compared to 2018. A big time waste when I am organizing hundreds of images at a time. Here's a link if anyone wants to see the screenshots I posted (Though anyone using it can see for themselves). I too, am reverting back to 2018. -
Skies commented
Agreed. Why on Earth would we need more wasted space around anything, while at the same time cluttering the interface with more bars and lines? 2018 is much more clean and also more responsive.
2019 is waste of resources and the reason I hate the subscription plan. It is a totally unnecessary upgrade that only causes frustration. I reverted back to 2018.