Bridge 2023
So many bugs need fixing.
- Resetting saved workspace takes you back to the file you were in when you saved the workspace
- New content tabs keep reverting back from descending to ascending order.
- Can't keep browsing files while I copy anything
- can't copy files into the same folder like you used to be able to make extra copies
There is no other versions of Bridge that I can get working in IOS Monteray so essentially I'm paying a subscription for a useless product!

We are happy to announce the release of Adobe Bridge 2024 (Version
In this release, our team has successfully introduced the much-requested Multi-Window feature, Keyboard Shortcut customisation, Compress/Extract capability along with other enhancements.
For a complete list of features available in Bridge 2024 (v14.0), please refer to the community post :
Bridge Team
amy commented
Duplicate folders bug:
I had an images and images 2 folder and combined them then deleted the images folder and renamed images2 to images but then I had two images folders with same contents, when the one I deleted was empty, and did not delete until I restarted Bridge .. please fix! -
Kukurykus commented
Associated report of same author for 3rd item: