Multiple Windows with keyboard shortcuts
I can't stress enough the importance of being able to use multiple windows in Bridge. I often manage several projects at the same time, and having the ability to toggle between them quickly with keyboard shortcuts (command + `) or closing windows (command + w) when I've wrapped a project is a big part of my workflow. It's so intuitive and such a fundamental way of working in nearly every program, I just don't understand why this ability would be eliminated. I'll be heading back to the last version of Bridge until this is fixed. I'm all about new versions, new features, moving forward, but don't remove such a fundamental way of working. Thanks.

We are happy to announce the release of Adobe Bridge 2024 (Version
In this release, our team has successfully introduced the much-requested Multi-Window feature, Keyboard Shortcut customisation, Compress/Extract capability along with other enhancements.
For a complete list of features available in Bridge 2024 (v14.0), please refer to the community post :
Bridge Team
Kukurykus commented