Remove SubFolder and Collections Boxes from top of Content Panel
Adobe Bridge 2023. As a new feature when View Subfolders or a Smart Collection is selected a large dialog box now appears at the top of the Content Panel, and there does not appear to be an option to not show it. Of course this pushes the rest of the content down cutting off the metadata on the bottom row in the Content Panel. I know the workarounds - collapse the toolbar or select grid view or resize the thumbnails, but each has drawbacks and needs to be reverted when returning to the Standard view. And why should I have to anyway? This is simply a really really bad idea. It was fine before when it just appeared in the breadcrumb menu. Trust me - this is not an improvement. It just interrupts the workflow and is a major inconvenience. I don't need to be told what I just did in a banner an inch high. The Cardinal Rule - Don't Fix it if it ain't broke.