Camera raw new crop tool behavior
Please return the old crop tool behavior or let the user decide in settings how we want it.
Before the crop was set to default when switching to next photo (no aspect ratio) now, when I crop with any aspect ratio in one photo and go to next photo the "remain aspect ratio" stays turned on (with full photo aspect ratio) and need to be manually switched off or set to different ratio if wanted.
Personally I also don't like the current moving photo instead of the crop area with mouse and the behavior like the crop always stays in the middle of the screen - therefore when moving the crop from side both is moving - the photo and the crop.

Kukurykus commented
Use Ideas conversation type:
Benjamin G. Sullivan commented
I have voted to up-rate this request too. For clarity, I am using Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) via Bridge for virtually all of my photo processing--seldom loading files into Photoshop, so this is directed toward the ACR crop function.
I am fortunate to have a decently strong photography-grade workstation with two 4K monitors, but the newer version of the crop tool wherein both the crop outline AND the photo are moving is VERY awkward to work with.
I commonly have a lot of raw files open in ACR simultaneously (I do LOVE that ACR handles many raw files--I commonly have 50-200 files from a 50MP camera open in ACR for bulk processing in a high volume work environment). But with numerous large files open and hi-res monitors I now get a lag between when I start my crop and when the feature responds. If I click at top left and begin to drag down to the right, my mouse is moving but the screen has a lag time where nothing happens and then the screen refresh jumps to catch up, and movements of my crop selection continues to show lag the whole time I am adjusting my crop. The adjustment of the crop then gets harder for me to make because of this lag time where all of my display hardware/software is trying to redraw both my crop and the updated image area during the whole time that I am trying to finish my selection--so there is a feedback loop that slows down my workflow significantly and makes my teeth clench.
On the related topic that is already in this thread, I too would reinforce the option of having either a "preserve aspect ratio" or "default aspect ratio" for cropping through a number of images--I can see how either of those might be more useful to different users. I don't have a personal preference on that since I am seldom using a fixed aspect ratio myself.
Thanks for your consideration, please let me know if you need more details to clarify my comment?
(oh yeah, added edit... I do notice that if I am not cropping too closely to the edge that I can still just "click and drag" a crop in some portion of the image area without the crop and the image moving together, but I am commonly doing reproduction work so I'm often trying to crop close to the edges and the cursor snaps to the side handle and forces me into the mode of both crop and image moving together. I still find the previous version where the image is static on the screen and only the crop handles move to be more intuitive and efficient for me and less demand on my graphics processing"