Use Operating system cursors
Use Operating system cursors!! FCOL, is this so hard? Bridge for CS6 was far better.
The miserable, tiny, black cursor must have been a brain fart on the part of a non-user of this product!
I use Windows Extra Large, white cursors so that I can actually SEE what I'm doing, not spend my time looking for a black cursor on a dark background! And I have about 20/15 vision (with glasses), so God help anyone with less than absolutely perfect vision.
While you are at it, offer a wider range of colour densities in PREFERENCES/INTERFACE.
Also make the ICONS a visible colour. Light grey on slightly darker grey is useless.
PLEASE stop "fixing" things that are not broken ...
TIA, John

HN commented
Agreed! I set my cursor to be larger and a vibrant color on my OS for accessibility reasons - I am unable to see the cursor at all when using Bridge, even though both Lightroom and Photoshop maintain my OS system cursor settings. So frustrating, and makes using Bridge near impossible for the visually impaired.