Open multiple files as layers from ACR
It is a very useful function when making a focus stack from multiple RAW-files.
Now at first, I must load files to ACR, select then all, adjust WB, exposure and so on and save by pressing Done button. The Second step - select files in Bridge and use menu “Tools - Photoshop - Load Files into Photoshop Layers...”. After that in Photoshop, I select all layers and make stack Images by Auto-Blend.
So, please add "Open as photoshop Layers" function to the “Open” button in ACR.
Anonymous commented
I agree - the Photoshop tools function needs to be put back in the latest Bridge. I now open Bridge 2019 only so I can take advantage of this very feature Adobe Bridge Team decided to remove in Bridge 2020. First the Web Gallery and now the Photoshop Tools - I constantly load raw files into photoshop layers for alignments. It was an easy step and efficient. How about telling us why it was removed and where it can be found if it was moved elsewhere?