I don't like the new Content window.
There's too much wasted space between the thumbnails. Also, the dark boxes around the thumbnails are really unnecessary and distracting. I prefer the view of CC 2018. Please make this new look optional, and/or allow users to turn these boxes off in preferences.

In the recently released v10.0 of bridge, there is an option at the bottom of the Content pane to allow users to turn off the ‘dark boxes’. It is called ‘Show Tiles’.
Senior Product Manager,
Adobe Bridge
Wes Duenkel commented
That does not solve the problem. Again, LOOK AT BRIDGE 2018.
Wes Duenkel commented
"Hiding the Tiles" doesn't change the WASTED SPACE problem. If you want to see how to handle this issue, LOOK AT BRIDGE 2018. It was BETTER.
Bradley Smith commented
i agree i would like the interface more compact to fit more on the screen . in some caces its dues not work to have any spacing ... we could add another slider for vary compact | compact | Relaxed | Normal | Extra Space
Thies commented
"I prefer the view of CC 2018. Please make this new look optional, and/or allow users to turn these boxes off in preferences." Yes, please.
Kukurykus commented