Enable Quick Look quality previewing with Spacebar (Mac)
Hitting Spacebar in Finder brings up a full screen high quality preview of many files (including PDFs).
Doing so in Bridge brings up a tiny low resolution preview. Adobe invented PDFs, can we please have this simple feature in Bridge? Even if there was an option to use Quick Look rendering rather than Bridge rendering.

Luke commented
That helps but it's slow and uses a lot of HDD space if you have thousands of files. Quick Look doesn't rely on caching large previews, so I'm sure it's possible in Bridge too.
PECourtejoie commented
Hello, does create monitor sized previews in Preferences>Advanced help?
Luke commented
Still crickets chirping on this suggestion, sadly.
Chris Page commented
Still nothing from adobe eh?
Chris Page commented
I have so many files that are .ai and pdf, and the previews are tiny, I hit space bar all the time thinking i'll get a better look at the VECTOR data, but alas, a small pop up of the same preview shows up. Not so helpful.I'd Love to see an option that perhaps recognizes images below a certain resolution can be doubled? Not that vector couldn't be ANY size. just offering an option should they have a hurdle we not thinking of.
Stefan Krapf commented
and on Windows too please