Useful Dimensions on Metadata Panels for PDFs (and ideally INDD)
At the moment the metadata panel has useless (and misleading) dimensions for PDFs which are based off pixel preview data. It would be much more helpful if the panel could display the TrimBox values or just simple page dimensions (CropBox) if that's not available, either in mm or inches depending on your choice. Being able to show all the Page Boxes would be a dream. At the moment a user needs to launch Acrobat and dig to find that info.
At the very least with CropBox data, a user could, for instance, tell if they're looking at an A4 or A1 sized document without opening.
It would also be amazing if Bridge could show the same kinds of measurements for InDesign files. This would be much more useful than, say, Document Swatches – which is very useful! Many thanks.

Luke commented
Still no comment on this – I'm really starting to think that the devs who have inherited this software have lost sight of what it is supposed to be used for. They seem to be adding arbitrary 'enhancements' that no one is asking for (and in some cases rolling them back) and ignoring these long-standing fundamental problems.
Chris Page commented
Interestingly enough, eps files—which are the base format for pdf and illustrator files (correct me if I am wrong)—have useful METADATA... Bridge is able to share DPI and converts that info into both IN and CM.
If thats the case, then perhaps this removed data could be put back... or not blocked?
Manfred commented
I just installed version 10 and the set dpi is still not shown in the metadata.
Obviously nobody reads our input.
It should be very easy to show the set dpi.
I allways have to open photoshop to find out the value. -
Luke commented
Have been asking for this since 2012 so not holding my breath...
Chris Page commented
I'm looking at a print ad file right now and it's dimensions are 378 x 594.
What does that even mean?
Even if i was a savant, and could divide these numbers by the arbitrary 72 dpi/ppi that still doesn't tell me if that's the crop size or bleed size.
Not only that, but the Preview image is HALF that! Why is a preview image for an ad that's 5" x 8" on my screen only 1.75" x 2.75" it's almost useless.