Stop the active thumbnail in Bridge reverting to first file when deselecting rated files
This was never a problem before but it's killing my work flow as a photographer working on hundreds of files....
if ive rated a few hundred files with 1 star as a 'longlist' and i then filter my selection by these 1 star rated files i often go back through to deselect some more to trim it down. when i do, i hit Cmd + 0 to revert the chosen file to 'no rating' and Bridge now returns me to the first file in the selection-back at the
start of the whole list...
Instead , which it used to do, it would be great if it merely moved me on to the next/subsequent file and i could carry on working through sequentially adjusting the ratings to my files without having to navigate all the way back down the list to where i was...
can you please fix this glitch and return this functionality to how it was!!!
Kukurykus commented
I tried it on 7 one star rated files and it works as should - selects next thumbnail in a row. I didn't try on hundreds files, but could you check how is it for you for less number of files, like 7 for example?
How ever I experienced other bug. When I hover a thumbnail I want to unrate (to let it disappear from filter list), its Informations bubble remains to end of session, even when I switch to other applications: