Improve cache tools - Make previews in advance
CPU 100% loaded - Flexible Cache Tools - Make 100% previews in advance
The amount of posts concerning 100% CPU usage while Bridge is
building previews emphasizes the demand for a solution.
My PC:
Win10 Pro (latest version)
CPU: Intel i7 950@3.07GHz
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660 Ti - RAM: 6Gb GDDR6
With my PC: Bridge takes 6-8 seconds to build one 100% preview from a Nikon D850 .nef file (raw)
Having a folder with 1000 photos to be culled, I will have to wait for 6-8000 seconds (1,6-2,2 hours!) - during which time the CPU is occupied (100% loaded) - before the previews have been made and the CPU is available again.....
Note: The GPU is not active during preview generation.
If it is not possible to speed up the process of building previews and to make the CPU available for culling during the proces, I will propose to modify the Cache Tools so that previews can be made in advance.
Today this is possible - but not for Local Cache only. - Shared Cache is not needed for single users!
Tools/Cache/Cache Management:
"Build and export" saves Local Cache on the specified scratch drive and the exported Shared Cache in a subfolder (.BridgeSharedCache) to the source folder (the folder with the photos on the local hard drive) - filling up the hdd with a copy of the local cache.....
Tools/Cache/Purge Cache for Folder xxxxx:
The options for purging are:
Only purge My Cache (My Cache = Local Cache on scratch drive)
Purge Cache for All Users (Local Cache on scratch drive plus exported Shared Cache (.BridgeSharedCache))
For a single user it would be nice to be able to generate only local cached previews and to keep the 100% previews on the specified scratch drive (until a decision is made to delete them) - without being forced to keep shared cache on the local drive used for storage of the raw files.
May I propose modifying th Cache Tools:
Tools/Cache/Cache Management:
Add option for building100% previews without export. (just local cached previews on specified scratch drive).
Tools/Cache/Purge Cache for Folder xxxxx:
Give the following option
1: Purge Local Cache (on scratch drive)
2: Purge Shared Cache ((.BridgeSharedCache) on hdd for raw files)
3: Purge All Cache (1+2)