Bug in Move To: Move some images, then select another set, get error message
Current version of Bridge on Win 10 has bug. If I select raw files and use "Move to" to move those images to a newly created folder, the first time it works. Then I try to move JPEG's I previously made from those raw files in ACR with renaming, \e.g. "Kodak Pony 135, 2.JPG", and I get the error message "Cannot move "Y:\ (rest of path) \Kodak%20Pony%20135%2C202.JPG". The item is no longer available." File is still there, ACR can load it, Ps can load it, etc. Strangely other files which were not JPEG's created from the raw files I moved have no problem being moved.
Closing Bridge and reopening it does not fix the problem. However if I open the file in ACR, make some trivial change, click Done, then Bridge can find the file and “Move to”. Something is amiss in the XMP files or ???