Make Filter Panel Great Again (visually different than Keywords Panel)
Bridge 8.XX had a filter panel that was visually different than the keywords panel. As you can see in my workplace below, there is no way to quickly tell when I'm FILTERING or KEYWORDING images.
In older versions of Bridge, the Filters panel didn't have a box next to the items, but rather a checkmark that would become visible after clicking to the left of the item. By contrast, the Keywords panel has an EMPTY BOX next to the keyword.
This was convenient as it was easy to tell if I was FILTERING or KEYWORDING images because the two panels displayed their properties differently.
In Bridge 9.X and later, Filter and Keyword panels are visually identical (yes, save for the title at the top).
Please fix this issue. Make the Filter panel look different. Look at Bridge 8.X. It worked great.

Wes Duenkel commented
Please address this. I am constantly applying keywords instead of filtering, and filtering when I want to apply keywords. I described this issue above. Please address it.