Updated Camera Raw
The new user interface is not as convenient or easy to use as the previous version. The delete icon is hard to see. Before, after making a crop, choosing the hand icon gave a full screen view of the crop. Now, apparently the user must click done, return to Bridge and then re-enter Camera Raw. Sometimes when trying to change to a different tool, the application will not allow the change; for example, switching from the hand tool to the crop tool.

Anonymous commented
I have the camera raw 10.5 for both photoshop and bridge and its not allowing me to merge to panoramas plus i dont see the filmstrip icon i can only see the select all button
Hi, While we have notified the Camera RAW team, it will be great if you can post this directly in Camera RAW forum as this is specific to Camera RAW. https://community.adobe.com/t5/camera-raw/bd-p/camera-raw?page=1&sort=latest_replies&filter=all
Colin Ferrington commented
I totally agree, the old interface is so much more user friendly. Also, the new version does not fit the screen, even when full frame is selected. Please go back to the old version.
Anonymous commented
the interface from camera raw doesn't work well
I have to scoll everytime I want to see the thirst items ,
go back to the older version that works pretty good